
Semestre 201818


Nombre del curso: Video Games for Social Impact: Design and Development
Course Name: Video Games for Social Impact: Design and Development
Créditos: 4
Profesor: Mikael Jacobson


El curso presenta una mirada interdiscipinar acerca del diseño y desarrollo de video juegos para el impacto social. En este seminario-taller se tomarán como referentes aspectos culturales y sociales de nuestra región geográfica para desarrollar prototipos de juegos de forma colaborativa.

Mikael Jacobson MIT

  • Mikael Jakobsson conducts research at the intersection of game design and game culture. With a foundation in interaction design, he often explores research questions through design experiments. He also studies how games and play fit into social and cultural practices, and how this knowledge can inform the design and development process. His research often involves collaboration with the game development community. The activities are mostly funded by external sources. Last year to a value of approximately $600,000. As Research Coordinator for the Lab, he is responsible for leveraging the academic research components of all projects and collaborations, whether it involves traditional academic knowledge dissemination, educational efforts involving students and practitioners, or non-traditional efforts to influence and impact significant actors within the game industry or society in general. He also teaches classes on undergraduate and graduate level in game studies, game design, and interaction design. He has twenty years of experience in teaching, course development, research project management, collaboration with external funders and stakeholders, as well as advising Master’s and PhD students.